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Unit 3   Proposal  




Because of the sudden arrival of the coronavirus, some minor adjustments have been made in the unit 3's project. First of all, the theme I focus on is still the same, I am trying to dig and deepen more in the unit 3. As I mentioned there are dependence and contradiction between humans and plants before, I will find and seek more connection between then. Also, I am thinking the special situation currently, and finding some inspiration which can response to my work. Unfortunately, I cannot go to British art galleries and exhibitions to do research. Instead, I will do research in Beijing's galleries and related museums. If conditions permit, I will go to the surrounding botanical garden, such as Beijing Botanical Garden. Secondly, in terms of material, I will continue to make the collage on the cloth that goes deep into me. Because I am very interested in this material. From the first unit to the third unit, I always focus on this material and conduct in-depth research. I want to try to use other techniques and means to make my work more complete in unit 3. I sew it by hand. In the next unit, I will learn and use related equipment to assist with my creation. For example, learn to use a sewing machine. Finally, in the exhibition and presentation of works, I hope to combine with outdoor or indoor scenes, and may try projector or other equipment to create a harmonious scene between human and nature. I will try many possibilities in the future.



Further references to be considered:



Emilie Faife

The Australian artist Tanya Schultz

Andy Dixon

Tony Oursler




The Secret Life of Plants (1978)



















Chroma: A book of colour






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